返回首页 职场英语 职场女性
简介:两周一更 | 女性在整个职业生涯中都面临着性别歧视。它不一定会阻碍我们的雄心壮志——但我们如何准备应对它呢?职场培训课程中并没有关于缩小工资差距、勇敢地反抗男同事的打断或处理更多工作难题的内容。哈佛商业评论的艾·伯恩斯坦、艾米·加洛和艾米丽·考尔菲尔德正着手解开一些最棘手的问题。他们采访了性别方面的专家,讲述了他们自己的经历,并给出了许多实用的建议。 Women face gender discrimination throughout our careers. It doesn't have to derail our ambitions — but how do we prepare to deal with it? There's no workplace orientation session about narrowing the wage gap, standing up to interrupting male colleagues, or taking on many other issues we encounter at work. So HBR staffers Amy Bernstein, Amy Gallo, and Emily Caulfield are untangling some of the knottiest problems. They interview experts on gender, tell stories about their own experiences, and give lots of practical advice to help you succeed in spite of the obstacles.

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