Well, how do we describe Look Both Ways, I like the idea of this.
好吧 我们该如何描述《双轨人生》呢 我喜欢这部电影的想法
Look Both Ways, it follows Natalie
on the eve of her graduation --college graduation.
She takes a pregnancy test
and her life severs off into two different parallel lives.
One where she is pregnant and one where she's not.
一种人生是她怀孕了 另一种是她没有
And I think what I loved most about the movie and when I read the script
当我读剧本的时候 我最喜欢这部电影的地方
was that there is no wrong path.
There isn't one that you're like, "oh, that was the bad one".
没有一种人生会让你觉得 “噢 那是一条糟糕的路”
So I think both, you know, there's silver linings in both.
所以我认为 两者都有好的一面
And it's comforting to know that, you know,
令人欣慰的是 你知道
there isn't one decision that you can make
that will just completely derail everything in your world.
sever /ˈsevər/ v. 切割 切断
parallel /ˈpærəlel/ adj. 平行的
script /skrɪpt/ n. 剧本
silver lining 好处
comforting /ˈkʌmfərtɪŋ/ adj. 令人欣慰的
derail /diːˈreɪl/ v. 脱轨