Show of hands: who had to spend a week on the couch eating ice cream because of your wisdom teeth?
They're weird, right?
They sit way in the back of our mouths, they don't grow in until we're basically full-grown adults – if they grow in at all – and then most of the time they end up causing problems and have to be pulled out.
This might make you wonder, if wisdom teeth are such oddballs and troublemakers, why they're even there in the first place.
Well… it's because they're there.
Let me explain.
Way in the back of our jaws, behind our premolars, we have teeth called molars.
When we're young, two molars develop in each of the four corners of our mouths.
Much later in our lives, we get our final teeth, the third molars, aka wisdom teeth.
These usually don't emerge from the gums until our late teens or early twenties.