

Working While Parenting a Teen: Not What I Expected

Danna Greenberg, you are the perfect person to have this conversation with.

Amy Gallo, I am so happy to be back here having this conversation with you.

You are a behavioral psychologist at Babson, so you know work, you've researched work in motherhood.

You wrote this amazing book called Maternal Optimism, which encourages us to see the positives of being a working mom, and you were on our 2019 episode called The Upside of Working Motherhood.

Such a good episode.

I left that conversationmy daughter was 12 at the time, she's now 17thinking that parenting an adolescent was going to open up all of this opportunity and freedom in my career and that I was just going to feel released from the burdens of early childhood parenting.

I want to play a clip from that 2019 episode because this is what I latched onto.

All of a sudden, for me, there's this energy to engage in my research, in my writing, in leadership in the college in a way that I just didn't have before.

And so, it's a really exciting phase.

There's also a lot of positive feedback that starts to come from your young adult children that you don't get from a toddler or an elementary schooler.
