如何在飞机上睡个安稳觉 Ergonomics Expert Explains How to Sleep on a Plane | WSJ Pro Perfected



Sleeping on a plane is hard, especially if you're in an economy seat.

So we asked an expert for advice.

I'm an occupational therapist, industrial designer, and certified professional ergonomist.

With seated sleep posture, not only do you fall into these awkward postures, but you're also compressing the vertebrae and your spine at the different levels.

You have to plan ahead.

Here's what a professional ergonomist recommends for sleeping in an economy plane seat.

First, you might consider using the tray table, but...

The position using the tray table, if you're propping up on your forearms, that awkward positioning, the contact pressure against the tray table, all of that's going to irritate tissue in sleep just like it would during your waking hours.

Contact pressure happens when soft tissues are pressed against a hard surface for too long, slowing blood flow to your extremities and often causing numbness or tingling.

With soft tissue compression, you can compromise circulation.
