"sink or swim "是啥意思 ?
⭐今日表达⭐ sink or swim 要么成功,要么失败 表示在困难情况下必须依靠自己努力生存或成功 sink v.沉没 此处 = to fail or be overwhelmed 失败或被压倒 swim v.游泳 此处 = to succeed or survive 成功或生存 ⭐英文解释⭐ If someone is in a "sink or swim" situation, they must succeed or survive entirely on their own efforts, often in a challenging or high-pressure environment. 如果某人处于“sink or swim”的情况,他们必须完全依靠自己的努力成功或生存,通常是在充满挑战或高压的环境中。 ⭐精选例句⭐ Starting a new job without training is a sink-or-swim situation, but I’m ready for the challenge. 在没有培训的情况下开始新工作是一种要么成功要么失败的情况,但我已经准备好迎接挑战了。 training /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ n. 培训 challenge /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ n. 挑战 In the competitive world of startups, it’s sink or swim—only the strongest survive. 在竞争激烈的创业世界中,要么成功要么失败——只有最强的人才能生存。 competitive /kəmˈpetɪtɪv/ adj. 竞争的 startup /ˈstɑːrtʌp/ n. 创业公司 A: Are you nervous about the new project? B: A little, but it’s sink or swim—I’ll give it my best shot. A: 你对新项目感到紧张吗? B: 有一点,但这是要么成功要么失败的情况——我会全力以赴。 shot /ʃɑːt/ n. 尝试