Why I'm able to study 10 hours per day (how to stay focused)


- Hey guys, it's Mike and Matty.

Today we're gonna talk about something that almost every student struggles with at some point, and that is how to stay focused while you're studying.

We used to struggle with this too, but as medical school and residency got busier, we actually had less time to study.

So, when we actually did get a chance to sit down and finally study, we had to make sure to be laser focused, otherwise we'd just fall behind.

- Now, we've figured out what works.

And we wanna help you make every session count.

Here is how we stay focused, and we're gonna give you step-by-step tips that you can apply in your own life.

- What's up, guys.

- What's up?

- So, there are two big pillars to productive studying.
