屏幕时间是如何影响你的睡眠的?How screens actually affect your sleep?



If you've heard anything about sleep science, it's probably that you're not supposed to use any screens before bed.

And if you're anything like me, you've probably ignored that advice.

Because, come on. Even sleep experts can't resist.

Do you use your phone before bed?

Yes, just to catch up on my calendar and email, it's always less than 30 minutes for me.

That's Rohan Nagare, a sleep researcher who's coauthored several papers on the topic.

As a chronic screen's before bed guy myself, I went into our conversation wanting to know if there is any way that we could keep using our phones at night without completely wrecking our sleep schedules.

Turns out science suggests our sleep schedule is way more malleable than we might think.

Before we dive into the science, let's first get a quick review on how our body responds to natural light like the sun.

And the lack thereof.
