

02 宇宙何其大 How Big is the Universe?

Janna Levin is a professor of theoretical astrophysics.

She'd like to put every single galaxy we can see on the map.

But, before she can do that, it's vital to account for one of the most surprising features of the universe.

Making a map of the whole universe is not like making a map of the United States.

It's an observational fact that, if you look at the galaxies around us, and the most distant galaxies that we can see, they all appear to be moving away from us.

And, the further away they are, the faster they're moving away from us.

The galaxies aren't like landmarks on normal maps.

They don't stand still.

Everywhere we look, the most distant galaxies are moving away from us.

This a strange universe and the explanation is even stranger.
