谷歌翻译如何使用数学来理解 134 种语言? How Google Translate Turns 134 Languages Into Math _ WSJ Tech Behind



In a fraction of a second, Google Translate can make sense of your surroundings.

But this isn't the same Google Translate from the early 2000s.

Over the past two decades, the technology has gone through a complete overhaul, shifting from a basic pattern matching tool to a sophisticated neural network that handles more than 130 languages.

It works by turning language into something computers can understand, math.

Exciting times for people who like language and math.

This is the tech behind Google Translate.

There's very little code left today from the early days of the phrase based translation.

We have shut down and deleted almost all of it.

That Google Translate from two decades ago laid the foundation for what we use today.

When it launched in 2006, it worked by playing a matching game.
