How do SSDs Work? | How does your Smartphone store data? | Insanely Complex Nanoscopic Structures!


It's hard to believe that all your photos, videos, music, messages, and apps can be stored in the palm of your hand.

And to most of us, it's a mystery how so much information can fit in such a small space.

But it might not seem so surprising when you see the complexity inside your smartphone or the inside of this one terabyte solid state drive commonly found in laptops or computers.

However, as seeing the outside of this memory storage microchip tells us little about how these smartphones and solid-state drives can store tens of thousands of photos and files, let's explore deeper and zoom in until we get to a nanoscopic view.

And it's here that we can see the structures called VNAND, that hold all the data in your smartphone and computer.

Here's where the real magic happens.

Every picture, message, and bit of information gets saved as quantities of electrons inside these memory cells which are called charge trap flash.

And, in this episode, we'll learn how smartphone memory and solid-state drives work.

Now, hold on.

These insanely small and intricate structures seem very complex.
